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Gospels and Raptures (Christ - Part 16): Origin

The Gospels and their Raptures (Christ - Part 16)


In about 34-35AD, at the height of Saul's persecutions, God intervened. God would start a new program through Saul's conversion, and set a new pattern of grace. As the Kingdom program diminished, so the mystery program would increase. The Lord revealed many revelations to Paul throughout his ministry, but the most important would be the gospel of Christ which would pave the way for Gentiles to be saved by grace without the use of Israel, and subsequently become known and the Body of Christ.

Gospels and Raptures (God - Part 15): Summary

The Gospels and their Raptures (God - Part 15)


Below is a summary of the details discussed in the preceding lesson parts of this gospel (the gospel of God), as well as additional points that highlight its unique standing in relation to the other gospels in this study. The table will also be a useful means to run comparisons with the other gospels to really get a grasp on the differences and transitions that occurred within each.

Gospels and Raptures (God - Part 14): Additional

The Gospels and their Raptures (God - Part 14)


I will use this section to cover my tracks and remind you of things I may mentioned in previous posts about the gospel of God. Tracing one's steps and reminding one of things said is quite scriptural as both Peter and Paul did this, based on these verses,

Phil.3:1 Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous [tedious], but for you it is safe.

2 Peter 1:12 For this reason I will not be negligent to remind you always of these things, though you know and are established in the present truth.

Paul's Two Ministries: Chronological Order of Epistles and to Whom He Wrote Them

Paul's Two Ministries: Chronological Order of Epistles and to Whom He Wrote Them

Paul did not write anything until after he began his second missionary journey in which he was preaching the gospel of God in the synagogues and separating out those who believed it, into houses and schools, to establish them in the Gospel of Christ. His audience was a mix of Jews and Greeks (Gentiles) and during this time he was still water baptizing and doing miracles and signs for the Jews to believe his message. The gospel of God was about the resurrection of Christ and that this proved He was the Son of God. The gospel of Christ was about how Christ died for their sins, releasing them from the laws of Moses (yet maintaining some basic laws to keep the peace between the mixed cultures). Both these gospels that were preached to those who believed could be proved from the scriptures and the prophets. Those established in the gospel of Christ became members of the fledgling yet expanding Body of Christ.

Gospels and Raptures (God - Part 13): Destination

The Gospels and their Raptures (God - Part 13)


To quickly recap on my views regarding salvation in the Kingdom gospel, I believe that when saved into this gospel and one passed away, their inheritance and destination would be similar to the Old Testament saints who died in faith according to the good news God had made known in their day. Since these Kingdom believers, just like all Old Testament believers before them, placed their faith in a coming Redeemer and Messiah, they all, at death, would be asleep in Christ, and would experience resurrection at the sound of the trumpet* during the last stage of Christ's second advent. This means that they will awake in resurrection just before the Millennial Kingdom which they will inherit. 

What are all the resurrections of the end times?

resurrections of the end times

What are all the resurrections of the end times?

The Bible speaks of two types of resurrections: (1) The Resurrections of the Righteous and (2) the resurrection of the Unrighteous. Jesus and Paul plainly declared two basic resurrections:

John 5:28 "for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice 29 and come out—those who have done what is good will rise to live, and those who have done what is evil will rise to be condemned."

Acts 24:15 having hope toward God, which they themselves also wait for, that there is about to be a rising again of the dead, both of righteous and unrighteous; (Also see: Daniel 12:2)