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The Journey: Part 9 - The Babes in Corinth and the Children of Galatia

Start here at the Introduction: The Journey Begins

The Journey: Part 9 - The Babes of Corinth and the Children of Galatia

What is sanctification? It is the life-long progressive growth of your knowledge of the written Word of God and the subsequent and inevitable changes that this knowledge brings to your life after salvation. Most believers, however, stop right there at salvation. After the initial revelation of justification through the cross of Christ, there is not much growth after this. They never push on to studying the Word and seeking the deeper things of God. It always reminds me of the parable of the Sower in Matthew 13.

The Journey: Part 8 - The unfamiliar road called, "Grace"

Start here at the Introduction: The Journey Begins

The Journey: Part 8 - The unfamiliar road called, "Grace"

When it comes to this journey of sanctification, it is interesting to note that Paul tells us to keep a straight and careful course. (I'm paraphrasing here with my own analogy). If we veer off to the left, we will run into the ditch called, "the flesh". If we veer off to the right, we will run into the ditch called, "the law".

From these opening statements of Paul in Romans chapter 6, as well as the evidence of reproof and correction in his letters to Corinth and Galatia, it is apparent that these two "ditches" are the greatest hinderances and dangers we face as we begin to grow up in Christ. In this post, will expound on what is necessary to learn so we can stay on a straight course. In the next post, I will provide you with insights on the "ditches" that lie on both sides of the road, and also inform you of the dangers they pose to your safety and progression towards maturity in Christ.

The Journey: Part 7 - Sanctification, an Introduction and Motivation

Start here at the Introduction: The Journey Begins

The Journey: Part 7 - Sanctification, an Introduction and Motivation

What is sanctification?

In its basic definition, sanctification is,

  • the action of separating or declaring something holy:
  • the action or process of being freed from sin or purified:

So, if sanctification is the means of being separated unto God through a process of purification, the next important question to ask is, how are we sanctified? Jesus provides us a concise and powerful answer during a prayer He prayed, saying the following,

The Journey: Part 6 - Get out the map book and confirm the course

Start here at the Introduction: The Journey Begins

The Journey: Part 6 - Get out the map book and confirm the course

Taking a long road trip means that you get onto roads you have not travelled before. Every now and then you meet people on the way and in conversation you might ask for directions to confirm your course.  Though the intentions of that person, in some cases, might be good, there is always a risk in blindly following bad directions without referring to the map book.

This short analogy is true, even more so, in your spiritual journey. Getting instructions from others, without referring to the Bible for your spiritual heading, can have consequences far worse than just a wrong turn on an actual road.

False Teachers and Bad Directions

The Journey: Part 5 - Justification through Christ

Start here at the Introduction: The Journey Begins

The Journey: Part 5 - Justification through Christ

The topic of justification is often complicated by theological attempts to explain what happens in the spiritual context of a person's salvation. Though I do want to get a bit deeper into this topic in this post, it is notable that it can also be a very easy topic if one simply receives it by the same faith that brought you to salvation in Christ in the first place. To dive into this post let me start by defining the word justification from a Biblical stance.

What is 'Justification'

The Journey: Part 4 - The Two Natures of a Believer in Christ

Start here at the Introduction: The Journey Begins

The Journey: Part 4 - The Two Natures of a Believer in Christ

As we progress in this journey, we need to keep two things in mind,

First, to provide us hope, strength, and passion to continue, we must know what our destination is.  We are making our way to that destination of being adopted sons of God and being glorified beyond measure in our Head, Jesus Christ. The vehicle to get us there is the Word of God, and our fuel is studying the Word so that it becomes part of us, quickening us in spirit and energizing us to growth.