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Clearing up misunderstandings concerning, repentance vs. confession of sins, and remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God

Clearing up misunderstandings concerning, repentance vs. confession of sins, and remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God


You say, “we do not practice confession of sins because our salvation and fellowship with God are not dependent of OUR performance”, and further in the post you also say, “How many times can we be forgiven of "all unrighteousness?" Only once. In Christ, now and forever, we are forgiven of all sins ----past, present, and future!” 

So, answer me these. 

1- If Paul is the apostle of the Gentiles, why did he write, “…and then to the Gentiles, that they should REPENT and turn to God, and DO WORKS meet for repentance”, Acts 26:20. You should know that repent is also known as ‘confession of sins’. 

2- Future sins? “Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins THAT ARE PAST, through the forbearance of God” Rom 3:25


Questions and dialog about the Kingdom of God

Questions and dialog about the Kingdom of God

You said, “In God’s word the matter of a kingdom is the matter of a life. … (You must be saved into it)”

I cannot agree more. In God’s kingdom is life, righteousness, and peace. Being outside of this kingdom means to be cut off from these qualities. I see God’s kingdom in this visual. Draw a big circle on a board. This circle represents the Kingdom of God. Inside the circle draw two smaller circles. The first smaller circle is the prophetic program of Israel. The second smaller circle is the mystery program of the Body of Christ. The two smaller circles in the kingdom of God partakes of His life, righteousness, and peace. Thus, once you are in the Kingdom of God, you have life; you are quickened in spirit, and by this spirit you can participate in that kingdom.

This analogy about God restoring His Kingdom, 'ROCKS'!!!

This analogy about God restoring His Kingdom, 'ROCKS'!!!

Here is some more real-time drama on "The Big Picture".

I wrote this analogy in about 10-minutes. I think I was somehow inspired when I did. LOL!! All glory to God. When I reread what I wrote, I was completely surprised at how well it explains things, —at least I hope it does. In context, it came about from a reaction someone had on the below paragraph I wrote.

My paragraph:

Paul's doctrine of the mystery is for all nations; both Jew and Gentile, to be saved by the cross work of Christ and to be joined together into the Body of Christ and inherit the heavens. This is separate from the Kingdom program that belongs to Israel only, who were (and will again be in the tribulation) saved by believing in Jesus Christ as their Messiah and King. They will inherit the earth and enter as the preeminent nation into the Millennial Kingdom. This is how we rightly divide, between the prophetic program and the Mystery program.

The Second Coming has already taken place. It’s time to change your theology!

The Second Coming has already taken place. It’s time to change your theology!


The Second Coming has already taken place otherwise you make Christ a liar and a deceiver because He told those same people that His return would happen in the lifetime of some of those to whom He was speaking. Matthew 16:28, Mark 9:1, Luke 9:27, Matthew 24:34, Matthew 26:64, Mark 14:62, Luke 22:69, Mark 13:30, Luke 21:22, Luke 21:32, John 21:22 speaking of John the beloved, 1 Thessalonians 4:15, 17, 5:4, Hebrews 10:37 is not a 2,000 year wait, James 5:8 is not a 2,000 year wait.

Christ came in the same clouds He ascended in Acts chapter one just as He spiritually appeared in the Old Testament over the mercy seat in the Mosaic tabernacle and later in the two physical temples in Jerusalem. He now temples in a sanctuary in each believer in His temple not made of hands! His Second Coming was a spiritual one and not a physical one.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Online KJV Audio Bible (with read along verses and background worship music)

Online KJV Audio Bible
(with read along verses and background worship music)

Hi all,

This is just to announce that I'm systematically uploading an online audio bible that contains read along verses and background worship music. 

This is a GREAT tool to read and/or listen to the inspired text of the King James Bible. Often, online bibles simply show a static screen, but this version has captions of the verses as it is read. This allows you to not only hear the text, but see it too, which adds to the learning and absorbing of the scripture. 

Play it often and use it as a learning and study aid to get the Word of God into you.

Click here to access the playlist.

If you like this online bible, please share the link with your family and friends.

Are you eagerly waiting for Jesus Christ’s second coming as prophesied in the Bible?

Are you eagerly waiting for Jesus Christ’s second coming as prophesied in the Bible?


Are you eagerly waiting for Jesus Christ’s second coming as prophesied in the Bible?


ABSOLUTELY!!! Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus, come.