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False notions on how to follow Jesus

False notions on how to follow Jesus


To follow the Lord there is more to it than just faith. It takes action to prove our compliance - to become a disciple it’s a requirement to be baptised, fully immersed with water. Think of how Jesus was baptised. Afterwards he set the standard - he said pick up your cross and follow me, meaning surrender your life to Jehovah. He spent his last 3 and a half years preaching and teaching.

He warned his disciples that false Prophets would emerges and teach false doctrine and said that we should avoid them. So, we need to be on the watch because Satan does use contaminated doctrine to delude us.

ANSWER to correct these false notions:

If you read James 1:1, you will see that James addresses his epistle to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad. This is in reference to the 12-tribes of Israel who were scattered, some years earlier due to the persecution initiated by Saul (Paul). Thus, the doctrine of this epistle, and that of all the other epistles from Hebrews onwards, is NOT addressed to, or for application by the Body of Christ. The Body of Christ has its own apostle, Paul, Rom 11:13, and its own doctrine, the 13-epistles of Paul.

Jesus and the apostles never espoused the idea of the Trinity


Jesus and the apostles never espoused the idea of the Trinity


I am aware that the word ‘Trinity” is not in scripture, but I have become convicted by scripture that alludes to the triune God. God is one, but there is clear evidence of three identities. A great example of this is at the baptism of Jesus Christ. Jesus was in a physical state, being baptized by John. When he came up out of the water, the Holy Spirit descended upon him as like a dove, and then a voice from heaven spoke saying, “Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased.” So, from this one event, we see three different instances of God present at one time and in one event.

In John 4:10, Jesus introduces the mystery doctrine

In John 4:10, Jesus introduces the mystery doctrine


In the book of John 4:9 the Samaritan lady clearly describes the prophetic doctrine. And in John 4:10, Jesus introduces the mystery doctrine. And the lady goes further in John 4:12 and asks a distinguishing question that sets Jesus Christ as being mystery. In John 4:19, the message is clear about the prophetic doctrine and then, in the following verse John 4:21–26, the mystery doctrine begins.


There is no doubt that Jesus reveals mysteries concerning the Kingdom program. In Matt 13:11 Jesus says, “Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.” These mysteries. however, were already prophesied and are not the same as the unsearchable secrets, Eph 3:8, which were revealed to Paul for the Body of Christ. You even point out in your comment that it was according to prophecy. What Jesus revealed were mysteries because the Jews were ignorant of these things recorded in the scriptures, and, unlike the prophets, who declared these things, but did not see them come to pass, Mat 13:17, the Jews were now seeing the incarnation of the scriptures being realized before their eyes. Thus, the mysteries that Jesus revealed were already prophesied; things ‘darkly’ announced in the Old Testament, and during all that period ‘darkly’ understood, but now being brought to light for those who had faith to see. 

THE WORDS OF GOD: KJB or Modern Bibles?

THE WORDS OF GOD: KJB or Modern Bibles?

This EXCELLENT video shows the difference between the King James Bible versus modern translations. It is SHOCKING when one sees the changes that have been made to corrupt the modern translations and it is PROOF that the KJV is ‘THE’ Bible for us in the English language.

See this video for yourself:

THE WORDS OF GOD: KJB or Modern Bibles? (youtube.com)


For additional reading, also see:


Can living the 'Golden Rule' Save You?

Can living the 'Golden Rule' Save You?


Assuming Jesus existed and assuming the statement attributed to him in Matthew 22:35-40 has been accurately translated in the Bible, is it not true that the only way for a Christian to have everlasting life is by adhering to the Golden Rule?


There is not an iota of doubt in my mind that Jesus existed. Furthermore, there is not an iota of doubt in my mind that what he quoted is accurately recorded in my King James Bible. Heaven and earth can pass away, but these two facts will remain eternally true.

Before I answer your question, lets look at the verse you quote,

Mat 22:36-40 Master, which is the great commandment in the law? (37) Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. (38) This is the first and great commandment. (39) And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. (40) On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Why is it that those who argue against the simplicity of obtaining righteousness never tend to strive against the simplicity of obtaining unrighteousness!?

Why is it that those who argue against the simplicity of obtaining righteousness never tend to strive against the simplicity of obtaining unrighteousness!

Have a look at these two verses in Romans 5.

Rom 5:12  Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: 


Rom 5:19  For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous. 

There are many people who are fully convinced of our guilt before God because of the sin of ONE man which was imputed to all of us and declared us to be sinners and guilty before God. But I find it interesting that there are very few people who are fully convinced of our justification before God because of the righteousness of ONE man which was imputed to us who believe in Him who declares us to be righteous and innocent before God.

If by one man sin came into the world and death by sin, surely it stands to reason that by one man righteousness came into the world and life by righteousness.