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The Four Cornerstones of Romans (Part 8: Reckon yourselves as dead to sin)

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The Four Cornerstones of Romans (Part 8: Reckon yourselves as dead to sin)

I’d like to summarize things in this section and bring as much clarity to Romans 6 as possible, before we move on to chapter 7. Chapter 6 is of great importance because it is firstly a foundational chapter that will provide us with stability and grounding in our Christian walk, but secondly, it provides us with the information we need to know to ensure this foundation is being laid properly in our lives.

In Romans 5, Paul has led us through the positional aspect of justification which happens when you believe in Christ through the message of the grace gospel. Justification is a verdict of righteousness and innocence declared upon us by the imputation of Christ’s righteousness. It is God’s work and something that happens outside of our influence and control. We are literally transferred from the administration of Adam into the administration of Christ. When we are moved into Christ’s administration, EVERYTHING changes. It is this understanding (and faith) that we need to know and become very acquainted with. The section in this study called, “The Two Administrations”, is what I refer to here.

The Four Cornerstones of Romans (Part 7: The Fight Against Sin)

Start this post series from the beginning, here.

The Four Cornerstones of Romans (Part 7: The Fight Against Sin)

In the last post I wrote the following:

Unlike justification that is instant, a single event of salvation, this learning process of sanctification is a lifelong journey. We grow into it. We start as babes in the knowledge of Christ. We have teething pains. Our flesh will rebel against this process continually. You will have moments of weakness and you might ‘feel’ like you are losing the battle against sin, but faith in our positional status of justification stands strong and unmoveable. There is no condemnation from this position. But we have the responsibility of reasonable service to God, Rom.12:1-2. We persist in learning and changing by the knowledge of His Word. It is the Word within us that ultimately overcomes sins.

The Four Cornerstones of Romans (Part 6: Knowing Some Things)

Start this post series from the beginning, here.

The Four Cornerstones of Romans (Part 6: Knowing Some Things)

Where the focus of part 4 (of this series of post) was becoming aware that there is knowledge to gain, this part is going to deliver that knowledge.

We are still in Romans chapter 6 as part of this second cornerstone of the Christian faith, which is, God’s grace. Chapter 5 of Romans was the chapter on our justification, and how through faith in the cross work of Christ, we are transferred from Adam’s administration into the administration of Christ. The following points were discussed:

  • Paul has led us through the positional aspect of justification in Romans chapter 5.
  • Justification is a verdict of righteousness and innocence declared upon us by the imputation of Christ’s
  • It is God’s work and something that happens outside of our influence and control.
  • We are literally transferred from the administration of Adam into the administration of Christ.

The Four Cornerstones of Romans (Part 5: Gaining Knowledge)

Start this post series from the beginning, here.

The Four Cornerstones of Romans (Part 5: Gaining Knowledge)

Keep in mind that this post is a small part of a greater study. To understand this part in its proper context, one must evaluate it based on the full context of the whole study.

We are advancing through the understanding of the second cornerstone of the Romans foundation. This cornerstone deals with God’s grace, and this post follows the understanding that grace starts with justification. What is justification? It is the absolute salvation of a person by the grace of God through their faith in Jesus Christ. The following verse puts justification in a perfect summary,

Rom 4:5  But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.

The Four Cornerstones of Romans (Part 4: Positional Grace: The Two Administrations)

Start this post series from the beginning, here.

The Four Cornerstones of Romans (Part 4: Positional Grace: The Two Administrations)

This is the second part of Positional Grace. To gain proper context, please review Positional Grace (Part 1) before reading this post. 

In part 1 of Positional Grace we learned that this first level of grace is set in place in the heavens. In essence, positional grace is your justification. The moment you believe in Jesus Christ, hearing and responding to the gospel of grace, you become eternally saved. There are events that happen in heaven that account for your saved status. This is expounded upon in part 1, but the key points of these events are as follows,

The Four Cornerstones of Romans (Part 3: Positional Grace)

Start this post series from the beginning, here.

The Four Cornerstones of Romans (Part 3: Positional Grace)

Before we get into ‘grace’, it is worth reminding you that righteousness and grace illuminate each other. So, to really appreciate what we will learn regarding God’s grace, it is important to keep in mind that God is absolutely righteous, and that men are guilty sinners, far off the mark of earning or achieving a righteousness that meets His standards. Our only hope of salvation is by the grace of God because His righteousness demanded a price that was beyond our means to pay.

God’s grace exists because of a sacrifice that was nailed to a cross to appease His righteousness. It is this one act that allowed God to preserve His justness, but also enable Him to justify the ungodly. The cross is arguably the greatest paradox as it showcases God’s grace for us but reveals the wrath of God for the sins that were placed upon Christ. God shows His love towards us, which contradicts with the hatred for our rebellion, displayed in the cross. The cross contrasts God’s forgiveness to us by punishing His Son. Through the cross, we have life because Christ died, and by the cross we are saved, because Christ was sacrificed to purchase that grace.