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God's righteousness and the hopelessness of humanity

God's righteousness and the hopelessness of humanity

This lesson is leading the way to the topic of justification, but before we can get to discussing and truly understanding “justification”, we need to clarify two very important points, 

  1. God is absolutely and utterly righteous.
  2. Humanity is absolutely and utterly guilty and hopelessly lost.

God and people are completely incompatible. They cannot be reconciled. They repel each other! Paul lays this out clearly in Romans chapters 1 to 3. He emphasizes the facts of men’s utter guilt and hopeless condition. Mankind is so far fallen (in sin, unbelief, and rebellion) that they cannot approach God, and they cannot save themselves!

The Debate on Eternal Security

The Debate on Eternal Security

There is so much debate and misunderstanding on the subject of eternal security. The moment one mentions the phrase “once saved, always saved”, it triggers such backlash from others in the community saying that this is a false doctrine and there is no scriptural evidence for this. Then they go about trying to prove the opposite, that one can lose their salvation. They grab their Bibles and list the following scriptures below, adding a bunch of conditions and requisites to state their case.

Matthew 24:13  But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. 
Mark 3:29 But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation:
Hebrews 10:26  For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, 
Hebrews 6:4 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, 5 And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, 6 If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame. 

Building your Faith on the Romans Foundation

Building your Faith on the Romans Foundation

The book of Romans contains the foundational principles of our faith. Yet, when one gets to studying the content of Romans, it becomes clear that the majority of Christianity is either ignorant of, or rebellious of, these foundational truths. I have a factual statement to make in this regard and I hope that it will hit home with any Christians who are interested in growing in their faith and having Christ formed within them.

"If a believer is not established upon the truths in Romans, then their growth will be stunted, their edification will suffer, and their faith will ultimately be in vain."

The 9-Epistles of Israel in the Tribulation

The 9-Epistles of Israel in the Tribulation

These 9 epistles, from Hebrews to Revelation represents a spiritual curriculum for the maturing and endurance of believers in the Jewish Kingdom program, through the tribulation, and into the Millennial Kingdom.

  • Hebrews to 2 Peter are focused predominantly on being reeducated in the New Covenant and being reintroduced to the risen Christ.
  • 1 John to Revelation is focused on sonship and sets sights on life in the Millennial Kingdom under the reign of Christ and in their priestly positions as the true Israel.

Paul's Curriculum for Maturing in Spirit and having Christ formed within you

Paul's Curriculum for Maturing in Spirit and having Christ formed within you.

  • Romans to Galatians is focused predominantly on believer growing up and learning of God while here on earth.
  • Ephesians to Thessalonians is focused on sonship and sets sights on life in the heavenly position and for eternity.


Encamped in the Foundational Book of Romans

Encamped in the Foundational Book of Romans

I've been spending a LOT of time in the Bible, studying Romans in particular, in preparation for the Bible Studies I host. All "The Journey" posts are basically an outflow of the studies I've done in this regard. Now, although I'm close to the end of Romans, I will be honest an say that I myself am not ready to leave Romans. There is a conviction within me to stay encamped here and work through it again. The Word of God is truly living and active, and right now it has a hold on my heart. There are yet deeper truths to source from this incredible book. On the other hand, it is a foundational book, which attests to its importance. One should not push on until these foundational topics are fully comprehended and integrated, into the mind, not only for me, but for you too, the readers, who connect with and share in my posts. I trust that you will benefit from this lingering in Romans as much as I am currently.